Start of the XC Season

tanfieldSaturday 26th of September sees the return of the Harrier League with the first fixture at Tanfield. Firstly, you can check the list of registered runners and packs here If you have a ‘0’ next to your name, but asked to register in the last 7 days, you should still have a number on Saturday. We will be collecting all numbers from the HQ on Saturday and will be giving them out before the race. Make sure you keep hold of it for the whole season!

The race venue is Hedley West Farm, Tanfield (google maps:,-1.674213/data=!4m2!2m1!4b1?hl=en&dg=dbrw&newdg=1). The postcode is NE16 5EQ and please try to car share wherever possible. Approximate start times are 1:10pm for the senior women and 2:15pm for the senior men.
Finally, don’t forget your spikes, your Saltwell vest, and something warm to put on afterwards. And be ready to throw yourself in to the mud, the hills and the ‘elbows-out’ healthy competition!