‘Lockdown’ Coaching Advice


In response to the cancellation of all club training sessions, your coaching team would like to pass on the following advice:

Adhere to the ever changing Government guidelines, especially to avoid gatherings with friends and family. Therefore we must emphasise our wish for you to train on your own. Please stay in touch and maintain regular contact with your club via email or use the Facebook group.

We still want you to continue to train and if possible maintain your fitness level, but this is only if you feel up to it. Now is the time, more than ever to listen to your body, your health is a lot more important than your current mile splits!

Easy, comfortable, conversational-pace mileage is a great way to maintain/develop an aerobic base, which will pay dividends in the long run (pun intended). However, if you are feeling like you have a lot of energy to burn, then by all means either re-create a session that you’ve done before with us or contact any of the coaching team, who will be more than happy to suggest something.  Another method is to use the training function on Garmin Connect, which allows you to pre-program a workout and then transfer it to your watch. It’s a bit like having someone tell you what to do without the annoying shouting aka constructive feedback haha.

Now is not the time to be sticking rigidly to an inflexible training plan that has been downloaded from the internet, it won’t know how you’re feeling so please be sensible. There’s not a lot of races taking place (if any), so remove that pressure to perform and stress from your mind.  If you need any assistance with adapting a plan then by all means drop us a message and we’ll be more than happy to work with you.

I daresay a lot of you will feel as I do, to be proud and privileged to be a part of such an amazing club.  All of the coaching team are ready and willing to support you in these trying times. So please make sure you use the resources we have available to you, they’re all free, unless you really insist on buying us a pint when we’re allowed back in the pubs!

Take care and stay in touch.

Saltwell Harriers Coaching Team