Fell Series 2017


We have our own internal Fell Race Series the format of which is the same as last year. Men to complete 4 races – short, medium & long plus another.
Best position to count. Women to do 4 races – two short and two medium. The long races don’t count in the womens series. However, if they feel they have the experience to do them they can enter. Lowest points wins. i.e 1 point for first Saltwell to finish.


The races are as follows:


Carrock Fell 19 March
Beacon Hill 13 July
Great Whernside 23 September

Fairfield 13 May
Coledale Horseshoe 8 April
Simonside Cairns 10 December

Chevy Chase 1 July
Borrowdale 5 August
Langdale 7 October