Chairman’s Chat

lamplughThis week’s view is from Mellbreak NGR 148 186 sheet 89. From the West a classic

conical shape leading to a wide ridge which takes you toward Buttermere.


Hello Again Saltwell,


Hope you have been able to get out for that run I was talking about last time,

Remember No Pressure, Just Pleasure, enjoy the journey! Sounds corny but it’s not,

I have been able to get out for a couple of mid-week races rubbing shoulders with some

of the fast lads (and lasses) from Cumbria, well I was rubbing shoulders on the start

line (bit cramped) then a bit of following after that, not up to speed just yet but if I

can keep injury free who knows?


It’s the next race in the Saltwell Club Race Series on Tuesday 3rd. June 4 mile sealed



Good fast start downhill, then steady along Saltwell Rd. Getting ready for the push up

Bellevue Bank then working hard back along the Fell, it would be great to see another

good turnout.


Almost the longest day Mid-Summer, still lots to work towards….. 6 Mile Club

championship Race coming up and of course The Mile that iconic of race distances (In

my humble opinion).


Get some speed work in and see how you do! Remember the formula SPEED=DISTANCE


I was never great at Physics so I just run, but it’s worth knowing?

It’s good to see so many of you getting your races logged on” The More Miles” if you

haven’t don’t put it off too long have a word with your coach and target a race there

are a lot to choose from and some of the more low key events are great to get involved

in to support the Grass Roots of our sport. (and much cheaper to enter) and for those

that like to run with the grass under your feet and fancy a go on the fells The Roman

Show race is on Saturday 14th


See you soon,
