Member Profile – Janis Oliver

I was watching TV in 2014 and it happened to be GNR day. I felt totally inspired watching the runners.   I couldn’t even run for the bus and had been overweight all my adult life but had recently lost 5.5 stone a year previously. I’d put some wright back on so decided there and […]

Member Profile – Davey Candlish

I ran my first half marathon when I was 12 years old.   It was in the early days of the Great North Run and they didn’t have health and safety back then, never mind a junior run.   My Dad (who ran with the now defunct Gateshead Congas back in the day) just dropped […]

Member Profile – Charlotte Proud

I started running around 2 to 3 years ago and was a complete beginner, (Although I had previously completed the Junior Great North Run in 2004 and 2007). I gradually went from being able to run down the street until I could run a mile and then built it up from there. Running has always […]

Member Profiles : Becky and Lyndsey

  This artice is the first of a number of member profiles so that hopefully everyone in the club gets the chance to know each other a little better.   First up Becky Horsefal and Lyndsey Stephenson   1. How long have you been running? Lyndsey:  I started running on my own just over 10 […]