2015 Race Calendar

The start of a new year for runners often means choosing races as we try new things or work towards our new PBs! To help with this, we’re really keen to find ways for all club members to find race information and to communicate between eachother about who is entering what. We are therefore currently looking to develop areas of the website where information can be shared about races, and can also streamline communication about entries for team events.
But while this is under development, we thought we would put together a list of events on the racing calendar which have traditionally been popular amongst Saltwell members. This is by no means an exhaustive list but is just a bit of a starting point for people to identify races to help them to work towards their goals. Hopefully there’s something for everyone and maybe some ideas for things you haven’t done before.
Details still to be confirmed are the dates for the club races, alongside details of the nominated Captain’s races. Watch this space for more information!


The list can be found here
Happy running in 2015!

